Express Talk: Workforce

State CIOs ranked workforce third on the 2023 State CIO Top Ten Priorities list. Not surprising given that state governments are facing workforce constraints spurred by the great resignation, the Covid-19 pandemic and other economic pressures. In this Express Talk, Lisa Jammer shares practical advice and real-world examples of how the Texas Department of Information Resources (DIR) is attracting, retaining and advancing their workforce. DIR was recently named one of the Top Workplaces in the U.S.A. for the second year in a row.

Session at the NASCIO 2023 Midyear Conference

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Keynote with Don Yaeger | The Art of Storytelling

The Art of Storytelling: Increase Influence, Captivate Customers, and Develop Deeper Relationships
Don Yaeger has been called “one of America’s greatest storytellers” by many of today’s great business and thought leaders.

Through decades of work and research in this space, Don has discerned the 10 Elements of a well-told story.

Now he’s structured those elements into a presentation that takes each audience member through a journey from their scribbled down ideas to a place where they are able to tell their story that provides lasting impact and deeper relationships.

Don’s teachings will fine-tune your ability to:

  • Know the right story to tell for the listener sitting before you
  • Be able to make that story resonate and evoke the proper response
  • Understand when to use credibility-building detail within the telling of your story
  • Connect your story in a way that prompts valuable response and action from the listener

Session at the NASCIO 2023 Midyear Conference

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Actively Managing the IT Investment Portfolio: A Playbook for State Government

This report is a retrospective recap of state approaches to state government enterprise portfolio management. The operating disciplines employed in four states are presented.  These include the Commonwealth of Virginia, the state of Washington, the state of Illinois and the state of Maryland.  Each state presented different aspects of enterprise portfolio management as well as reinforcing the importance of supporting disciplines in investment management, enterprise architecture and customer experience.

Six plays are presented as essential plays for initiating and sustaining an enterprise portfolio management discipline.

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Navigating the Metaverse: Potential Applications and Implications for State Government

Today, more than ever before, citizens are able to remotely access state government services. With an increasing emphasis on digital government services in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, states are providing more opportunities for citizens to conduct government business without standing in line or searching for parking. With the click of a mouse or tap on a smart phone we can renew our driver’s license, apply for benefits or request a birth certificate. While convenient, these activities lack human interaction and can become frustrating when you have a unique situation and can’t find an answer. But what if we could bring back the positive side of the human interaction that we have lost, but still do all of this from home or the office? Enter the metaverse in state government.

This publication from NASCIO highlights some use cases for how states are using metaverse adjacent technologies such as virtual and augmented reality and explores some potential uses cases applying the metaverse to state government. The publication also highlights steps that states should consider before applying the metaverse to state government.


Securing States: Modernizing to Attract & Retain Cyber Talent

This publication is a culmination of a partnership between NASCIO and NGA, which started in 2022, to assist states in identifying the concrete actions they can take now to bridge the cybersecurity workforce gap. NASCIO and NGA convened Governors’ policy advisors, state information technology and cybersecurity leaders, workforce professionals and other experts to provide a forum for sharing experiences and best practices. This publication details the current state of play and summarizes the insights aggregated during this meeting, as well as previous related efforts by NASCIO and NGA to facilitate discussion on this topic.

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2023 State and Local Government Technology Forecast: What Lies Ahead?

2023 State and Local Government Tech Forecast: What Lies Ahead?

This annual program, presented by NASCIO and Public Technology Institute, provides an overview of the technology issues that will be impacting state and local governments in the coming year.

We take a brief look at the initial outcomes – and possible lessons learned – from some of the federal grant programs for cyber and broadband and infrastructure investment, and then turn our focus to exploring the strategic opportunities and operational priorities for state and local IT in 2023.

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State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2023

NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.


2022 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study

This is the 7th biennial study from Deloitte and NASCIO and captures responses from CISOs in all 50 states and three territories about current cybersecurity trends, challenges and opportunities. The survey found that state CISOs throughout the U.S. gained considerable strength and authority over the past few years, as they rapidly migrated government operations and services to a virtual environment and expedited digital transformations to meet the immediate needs of individuals and families. Due to the dedicated efforts of these CISOs, state agencies were able to continue providing high-quality service to their constituents, despite the challenges imposed by a global pandemic.


The 2022 State CIO Survey

The 2022 State CIO Survey, The People Imperative examines key issues related to critical success factors for the state CIO, workforce, enterprise portfolio management and others. The state CIO survey, published annually for the last 13 years, includes responses from 51 state and territory CIOs.


Keynote with Ginger Kerrick | Leadership Lessons from Mission Control

For more than 50 years, NASA’s Mission Control has been pulling off miracles on a regular basis. Ginger Kerrick gives audiences an insider’s look at the values and culture behind NASA’s ability to innovate and keep America’s astronauts safe.
With vivid stories from her own years at the helm of Mission Control, Kerrick celebrates the toughness and vigilance of her teams and offers lessons from her own evolution as a leader. Most importantly, she walks audiences through the wave of revitalization in the ranks of NASA leadership responsible for the successes of the past few decades — from the International Space Station and the Mars Rover to the SpaceX Crew Dragon — showing leaders how they can leverage the Mission Control model in their own organizations to chart a course for growth, resilience and excellence.

Session at the NASCIO 2022 Annual Conference

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