NASCIO Releases Publication on Artificial Intelligence in State Government

LEXINGTON, Ky., Tuesday, August 28 — On Tuesday, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) released a new publication entitled, “Ready for Prime Time? State Governments Tune in to Artificial Intelligence.”

NASCIO’s latest publication discusses the definitions around artificial intelligence (AI), the challenges, opportunities and applications. The report also lays out several examples of how states are using AI, along with considerations for development and implementation of AI. From their role as change managers, to involvement in procurement, the publication also outlines the implications for state CIOs.

“Artificial Intelligence, machine learning and robotic process automation have increasingly been getting the attention of the state CIO. It was time for NASCIO to shine a spotlight on what states are doing and the possibilities for the next several years,” explained NASCIO Executive Director Doug Robinson.

You can find this publication at