NASCIO Releases Toolkit for State Cybersecurity Leaders
SALT LAKE CITY, Ut., Wednesday, October 14 —Today the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) released its first toolkit for state chief information security officers (CISOs) – Moving Forward: Leadership Toolkit for State CISOs. The guide contains information on the tenure and critical leadership traits of state CISOs, examines survey responses, gives “advice from the trenches,” and details other critical success factors for state CISOs.
Each year, NASCIO conducts a survey of the state chief information officers (CIOs) to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. Cybersecurity continually tops the list of concerns for state CIOs and this heightened concern calls for CIOs to have the right people in place to combat and prevent cyber attacks.
Additionally, the position of state CISO continues to mature as roles and responsibilities are increased.
“Cybersecurity remains a top issue for state CIOs,” said Darryl Ackley, NASCIO president. “By providing state cybersecurity leaders with tools and support, we are working to elevate their position in the state and assist in their efforts to address cyber threats.”
The 2015 Leadership Toolkit, along with additional cybersecurity resources, may be found on NASCIO’s Cybersecurity Awareness resource page at