State Chief Information Officer Ron Baldwin, State of Montana, Profiled in NASCIO State CIOs Make a Difference Campaign
State Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Executive Director of the Department of Administration State of Montana Information Technology Services Division (SITSD) Ron Baldwin is making a difference for Montana’s economy by ensuring the state is responsive to the needs of small businesses and entrepreneurs.
Over the next two weeks, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers will feature the work and accomplishments of Baldwin and SITSD in the State CIOs Make a Difference Campaign. Montana’s profile will specifically highlight SITSD’s role in developing the Montana Business Navigator, an online one-stop shop for small businesses and entrepreneurs interested in starting in or relocating to the state. The Navigator is part of the Main Street Montana project, a dynamic private-public partnership established to build and implement a business plan for Montana by Montanans.
“I have always been a firm believer that business drives technology. We are here to enable businesses, and their needs drive information technology,” said Ron Baldwin, chief information officer for the state of Montana.
To learn more about Baldwin and the work of SITSD, see the information sheet. Visit the campaign website at and follow #StateCIOsRock for campaign highlights and updates.