Insights from the World of Public Sector Leadership: The 2023 State CIO Survey

Explore the priorities, perspectives, issues and trends reported by state CIOs. The 2023 State CIO Survey provides insights into the role of state CIO, including key relationships, business trends and critical policy areas.

Session at the NASCIO 2023 Annual Conference

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The 2023 State CIO Survey: The Force of Automation and the Reality of Modernization

The 2023 State CIO Survey covers evergreen topics like cybersecurity, emerging technology, cloud, legacy modernization and data management and also includes some topics with a new angle—some that we might have covered before, but we tried to put a new spin on the questions asked. The report also includes questions on workforce in many of its sections. Workforce challenges, including continuity of leadership, have and continue to have an impact on the state CIO’s ability to deliver services both now and in the future. There is also a focus on automation and, based on trending adoption, we anticipate further utilization of automation tools and services to streamline business processes; enhance digital citizen experience; and strengthen states’ cybersecurity posture.


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The 2022 State CIO Survey

The 2022 State CIO Survey, The People Imperative examines key issues related to critical success factors for the state CIO, workforce, enterprise portfolio management and others. The state CIO survey, published annually for the last 13 years, includes responses from 51 state and territory CIOs.


State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2021

NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.


State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2020

NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.


The 2019 State CIO Survey

In its 10th iteration, the 2019 State CIO Survey, The Responsive State CIO: Connecting to the Customer, takes a deep dive into how state IT leaders are targeting their responses to customer needs, in addition to managing the evolving IT responsibilities of state leaders. The survey is a joint publication of NASCIO, Grant Thornton LLP and CompTIA and includes responses from 49 state and territory CIOs on a range of issues. Two new topics for this year are customer relationship management and state and local collaboration. The 2019 State CIO Survey also highlights CIO business models, IT cost management, workforce, cybersecurity, performance management, acquisition, cloud services, digital government, data management and analytics and emerging technologies.


The State CIO Operating Model: Bridging Trends and Action

In this third in our series related to NASCIO’s “The CIO Operating System:  Managing Change in a Sustainable Way,” we explore a maturity model that can help state CIOs develop their organization and explain their leadership role to a broad stakeholder audience.  This paper creates a connection between trends and action and supports NASCIO’s mission to represent state CIOs in the evolving state government market.  The maturity model provides a set of milestones for states to strive toward.  Each maturity level is described using key characteristics.  This not only provides states with a way for assessing their current state but also assists in creating the next set of goals as they move up the maturity curve.  A ratings table is presented that provides a more detailed set of dimensions that characterize the new operating model.  The paper culminates with a short assessment of some the key learnings from a survey of the states that was conducted in the third quarter of 2018.


State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2019

NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.





The State CIO Top Ten: Why It’s More Than a List

The Forces of Change presented in the first paper in this series have a direct relationship to and actually drive what surfaces each year as the Top Ten CIO Priorities.  The Top Ten Priorities are essentially presenting the CIO response to these forces.  Each year NASCIO asks the state and territorial CIOs to vote on their top priority strategies and top priority technologies.  These votes are used to take the pulse of the states and territories as a group and at a point in time.  It is through the lens of a Forces for Government Change model that we reframe our Top Ten list in this paper.  A new operating model is emerging and will continue to mature as the strategy for addressing the priorities within each state.  At its core is the concept that a state CIO’s operational competence and resulting political capital requires a broker of services approach to service delivery.




State CIO as Broker: A New Model

Multisourcing is emerging as the discipline for managing a complex and diversified portfolio of services and service providers.  These services are being employed to meet the continual evolving demand for creatively delivering government services through new channels with new functionality.   In this evolving circumstance there is the need for a new operating model the state chief information officer can employ to bring together agencies needs and demands with available emerging technologies and management disciplines.  This report opens the door to this discussion and explores the underlying forces of change that are driving the need for a new operating model.

