Is Big Data a Big Deal for State Governments? The Big Data Revolution – Impacts for State Government – Timing is Everything

The volume and velocity of data creation is at all time high – and is accelerating. State government is a veritable data engine creating vast amounts of data from a vast number of sources. That data is being used to comply with regulations; uncover fraud, waste and abuse; and ultimately improve the lives of citizens. The sky is the limit in terms future data generation based on the growth in mobile applications, sensors, cloud services and the growing public private partnerships that must be monitored for performance and service levels, according to NASCIO’s latest in its series of issue briefs on analytics – “Is Big Data a Big Deal?”

In this issue brief, the universe of “big data” will be explored in order to:

  • Create a foundation preliminary to further description and exploration in future briefs, conference sessions and innovations forums.
  • Set common characteristics of big data versus simply lots of data.
  • Emphasize the necessity of data governance and data management within a broader state government enterprise architecture.
  • Present some early recommendations for state government regarding big data.


State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2011

Each year NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.


DO YOU THINK? OR DO YOU KNOW? Improving State Government Operations Through Business Analytics

Business analytics provides an evidence-based approach for decision making. With the current emphasis on transparency and visibility into the operations of government, government leaders need to anticipate more questions and evaluation related to not only what decisions are being made, but also what rationale was applied in making those decisions. As stated in this issue brief, intuition alone is not adequate for evaluating alternatives and making decisions. Effective implementation of a business analytics capability will promote an enterprise-wide culture of fact-based decision making. State government is encouraged to seriously look at business analytics as a means for fully understanding current circumstances and make predictions about the future. The predictive nature is particularly important as we continue to face ongoing fiscal challenges and increasing demand for state government services.



A Call to Action for State Government: Guidance for Opening the Doors to State Data

Transparency initiatives and websites are proliferating across government and industry globally. One aspect of the transparency trend is broader access to government data. NASCIO has published this report as initial guidance and recommendations to help state governments get started with data transparency portals. This guidance presents the value proposition along with principles and guidance on how states should move forward.



Data Governance Part III: Frameworks – Structure for Organizing Complexity

This issue brief presents the concept of frameworks that describes what constitutes a data governance program, with a focus on frameworks from the Data Management Association (DAMA), the Data Governance Institute (DGI), and IBM. Use of frameworks can assist state government in planning and executing on an effective data governance initiative. They assist in achieving completeness in a program. In any subject or discipline frameworks and maturity models assist in describing the scope – both breadth and depth – of an initiative. This holds true as well for data, information and knowledge management.



Data Governance Part II: Maturity Models – A Path to Progress

Data governance maturity models provide a foundational reference for understanding data governance and for understanding the journey that must be anticipated and planned for achieving effective governance of data, information and knowledge assets. This report continues to build on the concepts presented in Data Governance Part I. It presents a portfolio of data governance maturity models.


Ready for the Challenge? State CIOs and Electronic Records: Issues, Opportunities and Best Practices

States continue to struggle with new challenges presented by a growing portfolio of electronic records and digital content that must be preserved. Within this context, the issue of electronic records management has emerged as a high-priority policy and technology issue for State CIOs. This issue is now driven by emerging trends such as of new Web 2.0 collaboration tools that create e-records in forms that are transitory, yet still document the business of government, the vulnerability of essential e-records during disasters and a growing emphasis on transparency and accountability in state government, including online public access to records on spending, performance, procurements and contracts. This research brief underscores the need for enterprise collaboration for e-records management, provides information on fundamental concerns, outlines a framework for action and provides best practice examples from the states.



Data Governance – Managing Information As An Enterprise Asset: Part I – An Introduction

Data governance entails a universe of concepts, principles, and tools intended to enable appropriate management and use of the state’s investment in information. Part I on data governance presents an introduction that describes the basic concepts. Governance, and particularly data governance, is an evolutionary process. It begins with an understanding of the current investment and then manages that investment toward greater value for the state.



Electronic Records Management and Digital Preservation: Protecting the Knowledge Assets of the State Government Enterprise Part III

Electronic Records Management and Digital Preservation: Protecting the Knowledge Assets of the State Government Enterprise

Part III: Management Leads and Technology Follows – But Collaboration is King!

This research brief concludes the current NASCIO series on the subject of electronic records management and digital preservation. This subject area is very broad and has multiple dimensions, perspectives and challenges for the state IT community. The objective for the series is to highlight some of the key issues and make relevant recommendations to the state CIO. Ultimately, electronic records management and digital preservation must be a shared responsibility with understanding and support from the state CIO. Everyone within state government must play their part in managing the digital assets of the state.

