Is Big Data a Big Deal for State Governments? The Big Data Revolution – Impacts for State Government – Timing is Everything

The volume and velocity of data creation is at all time high – and is accelerating. State government is a veritable data engine creating vast amounts of data from a vast number of sources. That data is being used to comply with regulations; uncover fraud, waste and abuse; and ultimately improve the lives of citizens. The sky is the limit in terms future data generation based on the growth in mobile applications, sensors, cloud services and the growing public private partnerships that must be monitored for performance and service levels, according to NASCIO’s latest in its series of issue briefs on analytics – “Is Big Data a Big Deal?”

In this issue brief, the universe of “big data” will be explored in order to:

  • Create a foundation preliminary to further description and exploration in future briefs, conference sessions and innovations forums.
  • Set common characteristics of big data versus simply lots of data.
  • Emphasize the necessity of data governance and data management within a broader state government enterprise architecture.
  • Present some early recommendations for state government regarding big data.


Leaving Performance Bonds at the Door for Improved IT Procurement

This is the second in a series of briefs on IT procurement modernization. The brief focuses on performance bond trends for state IT projects and is intended to give an overview of how the surety market has significantly changed because of a wave of factors external to the IT industry. The amount of readily available performance bonds has become a challenge and, in some instances, bond companies have begun to require companies to partially or fully collateralize performance bonds with bank letters of credit. In order for states to lower costs and create a competitive procurement pool, states need to consider finding ways of leveraging existing protections and adjusting performance bond requirements if necessary. This brief was developed in partnership with TechAmerica and with contributions from the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO).



Leveraging Enterprise Architecture for Improved IT Procurement

This brief seeks to present an overview of how the discipline of Enterprise Architecture (EA) can be used to improve and lower costs of state IT procurement. The degree of EA maturity in states can vary as much as the very rules that govern IT procurement, but a closer look will provide guidance on alignment of these vital functions of government. As stewards of tight budgets, it is imperative that state chief information officers (CIOs), state procurement officials, and other state leaders find the best values and are accountable for IT investments. State leaders should consider the benefits of aligning IT procurement and enterprise architecture not only as a way to deliver IT services more effectively, but also as a way to find savings through streamlined investments. This brief was developed in partnership with TechAmerica and with contributions from the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO).



Capitals in the Clouds Part III – Recommendations for Mitigating Risks: Jurisdictional, Contracting and Service Levels

Cloud computing will continue to be an invaluable resource for state and local governments in their efforts to rationalize and optimize computing resources. Cloud computing should be seen as an IT innovation that can support rationalization and optimization of business services as well as IT services. Due diligence prescribes the necessity of exploring and evaluating jurisdictional issues in order to ensure long term sustainability and growing adoption of collaborative government operations in state and local government.


Capitals in the Clouds – The Case for Cloud Computing in State Government Part II: Challenges and Opportunities to Get Your Data Right

Cloud computing brings with it opportunities, issues and risks. One major consideration that must be addressed is the management of data – governance, stewardship, consistency, ownership and security. Data is the lifeblood of state government operations and critical for service delivery. With the fiscal stress and operational pressures that are driving state and local governments toward serious consideration and adoption of cloud computing, the data must not be ignored. These pressures must be managed intelligently to avoid pushing government into a future situation that could constitute greater cost, and more difficulty in achieving interoperability of government lines of business and government jurisdictions.



Capitals in the Clouds – The Case for Cloud Computing in State Government Part I: Definitions and Principles

Cloud computing has arrived as a serious alternative for state government. There are outstanding issues that must be faced and dealt with in order to maintain the reliability, responsibility, security, privacy, and citizen-confidence in government services. Government is exploring technology and business process innovations that will make the way for government to deliver existing services more economically. Cloud computing provides a number capabilities that have the potential for enabling such innovation.



A Call to Action: Information Exchange Strategies for Effective State Government

NASCIO Recommends State Government Adopt the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) to Enable Government Information Sharing

The National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) provides a broad range of products and capabilities for planning and implementing enterprise-wide information exchanges. Government effectiveness and citizen centric government services require effective cross line of business collaboration and communication. Use of national standards will avoid redundant investment and unnecessary variation. What is needed is a common discipline for information sharing that is employed by all government lines of business. NIEM exists as that discipline for federal, state and local government.



DO YOU THINK? OR DO YOU KNOW? PART II: The EA Value Chain, The Strategic Intent Domain, and Principles

Investment in business intelligence and business analytics must be driven by enterprise strategic intent. Proper leverage of analytics should start with a clear understanding of the outcomes state government is trying to achieve. This issue brief presents the rationale for analytics using the NASCIO Enterprise Architecture Value Chain as a framework for organizing the thinking and the questions which eventually drive investment in analytics capabilities. It builds on the foundational concepts discussed in NASCIO’s first issue brief on this subject, and strongly recommends an enterprise approach. Without an enterprise approach to analytics, investment across the enterprise is un-orchestrated and uncoordinated. That creates redundant investment in tools and training, and creates barriers to cross line of business collaboration. State government can not afford redundant and disconnected investment. One of the values of enterprise architecture is the management, optimization and simplification of investment within state government. Proper investment and application of analytics is essential to deploying effective and efficient government services. Finally, the level of complexity of analytical methods and tools depends on the complexity of the decisions and the issues.



DO YOU THINK? OR DO YOU KNOW? Improving State Government Operations Through Business Analytics

Business analytics provides an evidence-based approach for decision making. With the current emphasis on transparency and visibility into the operations of government, government leaders need to anticipate more questions and evaluation related to not only what decisions are being made, but also what rationale was applied in making those decisions. As stated in this issue brief, intuition alone is not adequate for evaluating alternatives and making decisions. Effective implementation of a business analytics capability will promote an enterprise-wide culture of fact-based decision making. State government is encouraged to seriously look at business analytics as a means for fully understanding current circumstances and make predictions about the future. The predictive nature is particularly important as we continue to face ongoing fiscal challenges and increasing demand for state government services.



Data Governance Part III: Frameworks – Structure for Organizing Complexity

This issue brief presents the concept of frameworks that describes what constitutes a data governance program, with a focus on frameworks from the Data Management Association (DAMA), the Data Governance Institute (DGI), and IBM. Use of frameworks can assist state government in planning and executing on an effective data governance initiative. They assist in achieving completeness in a program. In any subject or discipline frameworks and maturity models assist in describing the scope – both breadth and depth – of an initiative. This holds true as well for data, information and knowledge management.

