State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2018

NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.





State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2008

Each year NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.


Bowling for Broadband 2: Toward Citizen-Centric, Broadband-Based E-Government

This brief highlights the continued evolution of the broadband environment and the need for states to understand both the enhanced public service opportunities and citizen expectations of high-speed Internet access.



We Need to Talk: Governance Models to Advance Communications Interoperability

This research brief provides an overview of the challenges states face in developing communications interoperability initiatives and also attempts to answer questions such as, “What needs to be addressed when contemplating a communications interoperability initiative; and what is being done at the state and federal levels to develop communications interoperability governance models?” It includes other factors that are impacting governance in interoperability and offers references to models that have been successfully completed by other states.



VoIP and IP Telephony: Planning for Convergence in State Government

The keen interest in Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Internet Protocol (IP) Telephony and its accelerated adoption rate has led to the realization that the long-established Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) voice business model will be facing its end of life in the next 10 to 15 years. This report, a product of NASCIO’s Infrastructure Subcommittee, is intended to provide an understanding of the fundamental issues facing organizations as they assess VoIP and IP Telephony. It contains a description of the operation and functionality of the legacy PSTN, an explanation of voice transport over the Internet and IP Telephony, and a discussion of the issues and drivers associated with the migration from the PSTN to converged voice and data networks.



TLK2UL8R: The Privacy Implications of Instant and Text Messaging Technologies in State Government

This brief explores the privacy implications of Instant Messaging (IM) applications—both consumer and enterprise-grade—in the context of the state workplace. It also addresses the privacy implications of text messaging and chat technologies.



Bowling for Broadband: The Role of the State CIO in Promoting High-Speed Internet Access

Bowling for Broadband: The Role of the State CIO in Promoting High-Speed Internet Access.

