Corporate Member Policy
NASCIO public and private sector members greatly benefit from growing levels of communication and participation within the association. Increased private sector interest and participation in NASCIO events, however, make it necessary to implement the following guidelines and policies in order to preserve a carefully cultivated climate among the two membership factions. Corporate member support and compliance with these guidelines and policies will enhance the value of the NASCIO meetings for both public and private sector participants. Violations of these guidelines and policies will be addressed on a case-by-case basis and may result in reduction of benefits up to and including dismissal as a corporate member.
Corporate membership in NASCIO is encouraged to provide meaningful interaction between state CIOs, their staff, and members of the corporate community. Mutual benefit is derived from this interaction whereby:
- Corporate members are providing direct solutions and services to state governments.
- Corporate partner/CIO relationships are established.
- CIOs learn what the future holds, as corporate members provide “windows into the future of IT”.
- CIOs learn about industry concerns, hurdles, and opportunities.
- Corporate members learn of state/CIO needs and how they can best work together to fulfill them.
- Business partners share information and collaborate on critical issues.
NASCIO was founded for the exchange of information between public sector CIOs and their staff. However, corporate members are invited to actively participate in NASCIO meetings, committees and forums.
- Applicants must have a vested interest in marketing to and doing business in the state government channel. Companies whose sole business is geared toward marketing to private sector organizations will not be considered for NASCIO corporate membership. Third party business representatives and lobbying firms are explicitly prohibited from corporate membership.
- Violation of the NASCIO corporate member policy will result in non-renewal/termination of the membership. Violations will be recorded and considered in future applications.
- Companies that have outstanding payments against NASCIO due to prior non-member conference attendance must be in good standing before being eligible to apply for corporate membership. Lack of payment on outstanding unpaid fees will result in non-renewal of membership for the upcoming membership year
- By submitting an application and renewing the membership each year the company is agreeing to adhere to the NASCIO Corporate Member Policy.
- Corporate membership in NASCIO is $9,000 annually and membership runs on a calendar year.
- Membership applications for the current program year will be accepted from November 1 to March 15 annually.
- A membership reinstatement is applicable if a company who previously canceled is rejoining in the same program year. Reinstatements are accepted at any time however, in the months leading up to a Midyear or Annual Conference, no reinstatements will be allowed within 3 weeks of the event.
- NASCIO membership dues are not refundable.
- Corporate membership dues will not be pro-rated – they will be $9,000 regardless of the date of application. All corporate memberships expire on Dec 31.
- Corporate member logo provided for membership or sponsorship cannot include a division, product promotion tagline, or a parent company tagline if the parent company is a NASCIO member.
If a company has previously held a NASCIO membership (including under past company names) that has lapsed and is reapplying for membership, the following stipulations will be used by NASCIO and the Executive Committee in reviewing that application:
- Companies that have outstanding payments against NASCIO due to prior membership must be in good standing before being eligible to apply for corporate membership. Any unpaid balances must be paid before application will be considered.
- Past violations of the NASCIO corporate member policy will be reviewed and considered when application information is sent to the Executive Committee for corporate membership consideration.
WHO SHOULD JOIN? Memberships are held in the name of the company.
- Membership Contact: The corporate membership contact is the liaison between NASCIO and your company. NASCIO staff will communicate with you regarding your membership questions, conference information and opportunities, annual dues, and company listings.
- Business Development Contact: The company representative listed for this role in the membership should have U.S.-wide responsibility for relationship management and business development in the state government channel for the company. They are the contact posted for the online corporate profile, as well as the primary contact for representation on the NASCIO Corporate Leadership Council. This corporate contact is responsible and will be held accountable for company adherence to the NASCIO corporate member policy and code of practice.
- Other Company Individuals: Corporate members are welcome to add additional individuals under their membership that represent the state and local government and education market. All individuals listed under a corporate member company must have an email address that corresponds with the member company.
- Media entities and editorial publications that are part of or owned by a corporate member company cannot be listed under the corporate entity’s NASCIO membership or receive corporate member benefits or access to the NASCIO Community.
- NASCIO conferences provide excellent opportunities for corporate to state member networking as well as corporate to corporate networking. Please support the inclusion and participation of all registered members at all NASCIO sponsored program sessions.
- Conference sponsorships are available as an option to corporate members who are in good standing and are in their second consecutive year of membership. New corporate members will not be eligible to sponsor until they enter their second year of continuous membership; corporate members who rejoin after letting a previous membership lapse for one year or more will also have to wait a year after reinstatement to be eligible to sponsor.
- Membership dues must be current, and all outstanding balances paid in full. Sponsorships are limited and in high demand. Due to member equity, there will be no exceptions or additions of sponsorship opportunities. Co-sponsoring/co-branding or the transfer of a sponsorship is not permitted. The sponsor company name must match the membership name. The inclusion of a parent company tagline in the sponsor company name is not permissible.
- The NASCIO lanyards are color-coded and utilized to help identify attendees and therefore it is required that all attendees must wear their NASCIO Conference name badge and lanyard during all NASCIO conference programing. Any other branded lanyard or badge is a conference violation.
- NASCIO corporate members, partner entities, conference sponsors, and attendees are expressly prohibited from holding events/hosted meetings that run concurrently with NASCIO conference sessions, meetings, meals, receptions, or any other conference-related events. There must be a thirty-minute buffer from the conclusion of our event and the start time of your event/hosted meeting. NASCIO will not endorse companion events.
- Registered State CIO’s and state attendees should not receive invitations that take them away from conference programing.
- No exhibits and/or demonstrations of any type are permitted inside or on conference hotel property.
- All corporate events or hospitality suites must be mindful of venue (i.e., hotel) rules such as noise levels, room occupancy limits, hotel food/beverage policies and general professional behavior.
- No marketing material may be distributed at NASCIO conferences. This includes any promotional or branded give-a-ways.
- Gifts or other amenities may not be sent to the hotel room of any public sector attendee.
- Corporate members are limited to a maximum of three representatives at each conference. (At a per person conference registration fee) Sponsoring members are permitted to register attendees according to the published benefits for each tiered sponsorship level.
- Conference name badge sharing is not permitted under any circumstance. Registration allotments are not transferable to other brands or companies. Registrations are for the full conference – no single-day registrations are offered.
- Corporate members are not permitted to bring non-member guests to the conferences.
- Use of the NASCIO primary association logo is not permitted.
- NASCIO conferences do not have trade show or exhibit space for corporate sponsors. Instead, we invite corporate members to sit side-by-side with their government business partners and discuss issues facing the information technology field.
- NASCIO Conference registration will have a stated close date and no on-site registrations will be accepted.
- Conference rosters are not to be harvested, sold to others, incorporated into any type of database, used to generate mailing lists, or employed for any promotional purpose.
- Corporate sponsors may receive additional paid and complimentary attendee allocations for certain sponsorship levels.
Recognition of corporate membership longevity is automatic, and nomination is not required. Below are the details for the corporate membership longevity program:
- Corporate Members holding consecutive membership in the association for 10 and 20 years (and at 5-year intervals thereafter) are recognized during the Annual Conference and will receive an award and stage recognition at the Annual Conference Awards Dinner. Corporate members holding consecutive membership in the association for five (5) years will receive recognition at the Annual Conference Awards Dinner.
- In the event of a merger or acquisition, the years of consecutive NASCIO membership for the purpose of longevity recognition will fall to the purchasing company.
- Corporate Members with 25+ years of membership will be designated as a NASCIO Champion Member and will receive:
- NASCIO Champion logo that can be utilized on their website for duration of their membership in NASCIO. Logos will be provided each year upon renewal
- NASCIO Champion lapel pin that can be worn at NASCIO events
- NASCIO Champion ribbon on Community profiles
- NASCIO Champion logo on website profiles
- One (1) Invitation to the Premier Sponsor Reception at the NASCIO Midyear and Annual Conference (awarded if sponsorship is not purchased or does not provide Premier Reception attendance at each event)
- Four (4) additional paying attendees at NASCIO Midyear and Annual Conferences (for a total of 7 paying member attendees)
- Recognition on rolling slides at NASCIO Midyear and Annual Conferences
- Tweet recognizing NASCIO Champion Members prior to NASCIO Midyear and Annual Conferences
- The CLC is comprised of the NASCIO business development contact from each member company and is committed to maintaining the value of its membership along with NASCIO’s mission and vision.
- On an annual basis the CLC will from its membership, elect a chair and vice chair. The chair and vice chair will represent the corporate membership as non-voting, ex officio members of the NASCIO Executive Committee.
- All individuals listed under each corporate membership will be added to a forum and communication list, the Corporate Member Exchange.
- The CLC leadership will host bi-monthly meetings via conference call for the Corporate Member Exchange.
- NASCIO public sector and corporate members greatly benefit from growing levels of communication and participation within the association, which makes it necessary to implement guidelines and policies to preserve the equity among the two core membership groups.
- To maintain our membership equity, we ask all members to be respectful and cautious when sending emails and mailings to fellow NASCIO members. Member contact information may not be harvested, sold to others, incorporated into any type of database, used to generate mailing lists, or employed for any promotional purpose.
- Be selective about who you send to the conferences.
- Don’t expect to make a sale at the conferences. NASCIO conferences are designed to facilitate networking. Start by building relationships with CIOs, state members and fellow corporate members, taking care to respect the procurement and ethics code of state member attendees.
- In terms of NASCIO membership the acquiring company is the member. The acquiring company membership longevity and member benefits apply. If a non-member company acquires a current member company the acquiring company would complete a membership application and join the association as a new member to receive member benefits.
- If a merger occurs with a non-member company acquiring a current member during the dead period for corporate member applications, the acquiring company would be allowed to complete a membership application and join without waiting until applications open for the following year. The acquiring company would be in their first year of membership and would not be allowed to sponsor until the second consecutive year of membership.
- For a rebrand where the original membership company name no longer exists, and no acquisition or merger has occurred, a membership name change would apply. Membership and longevity benefits carry over.
For organizations that are umbrella/parent companies, subsidiaries may be covered under the membership of the umbrella group; however, all individuals must have a valid email address that corresponds with the member company name. Membership does not permit co-branding/co-sponsoring of these companies on the NASCIO website or sponsorship materials. The combined total of conference attendees for the umbrella company and its subsidiaries will be three attendees. If more than three total attendees would like to attend a conference, the subsidiary company may hold a separate membership in order to take advantage of member benefits. One brand/entity shall appear as the company membership name. A parent company tagline is not permitted in the company membership name.
Updated October, 2024
For more information, please contact Lori Rempe, NASCIO Membership and Sponsorship Manager at 859-514-9217 or [email protected].