State CIO Priorities for 2020: Cybersecurity Stays at the Top; Innovation Debuts
LEXINGTON, Ky., Wednesday, December 11—The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) today released the State CIO Top 10 for 2020. The Top 10 represents state technology leaders’ top policy and technology priorities for the coming year and reflect voting by 50 state CIOs. Cybersecurity remains the top priority for the seventh year running while innovation and transformation through technology is on the list for the first time. Customer relationship management moved up to number 5 (from number 7 in 2019) and legacy modernization made the list for the first time since 2017.
“It is not surprising that cybersecurity remains number one nor that cloud, optimization and digital government round out the top spots,” said Eric Boyette, NASCIO President and Secretary and Chief Information Officer for the State of North Carolina. “State CIOs are constantly trying to protect their states while at the same time enable delivery of critical services for the citizens they serve.”
NASCIO utilizes the annual voting of priorities to develop strategic areas of focus for the coming year, formulate new committees and working groups and plan NASCIO conference sessions and publications.
Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers
[email protected]
Meredith Ward
Director of Policy and Research
National Association of State Chief Information Officers
[email protected]