NASCIO Addresses the State Procurement RFP Process Rethinking the Dynamics of the RFP Process for Improved IT Procurement
LEXINGTON, Ky., Thursday, February 6 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) released an issue brief focusing on the state information technology (IT) procurement RFP process. The NASCIO Procurement Modernization Committee, in partnership with TechAmerica and the National Association of State Procurement Officials, continues to focus on state IT procurement reforms and highlight best practices at the state level. The brief, “Rethinking the Dynamics of the RFP Process for Improved IT Procurement” is the fourth in a series of recommendations set forth by this collaborative.
In NASCIO’s 2013 State CIO Survey, we asked CIOs to rate the effectiveness of the procurement process used by states in acquiring best value information technology (IT) goods and services in a timely manner. Almost two-thirds of CIOs believe their IT procurement process is either somewhat or very ineffective. One of the most frequently cited concerns is the length of time required to complete a procurement.
The RFP process is multifaceted with a broad set of stakeholders including state CIOs, agency heads, state procurement officials, state procurement attorneys, private sector vendors, and many others. Taking this information into consideration, NASCIO has continually sought ways to encourage collaboration between CIOs, chief procurement officials and private IT sector vendors. As such, NASCIO identified the RFP process as one to which special attention must be paid.
Alex Pettit, co-chair of the NASCIO Procurement Modernization Committee and Chief Information Officer for the state of Oregon said, “the RFP process is such an important part of the procurement process yet oftentimes takes a backseat to other aspects of the process.”
For more information and to view the issue brief, visit