State CIOs Focus on People First in Meeting Current and Future IT Demands

Minneapolis, MN., Tuesday, October 10, 2023 – The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) released today the 2023 State CIO Survey, The Force of Automation and the Reality of Modernization. The report includes responses from 49 state CIOs on eight topics.

“This year’s survey focuses less on future plans and aspirations and more about what actions state CIOs are taking today,” said NASCIO Executive Director Doug Robinson. “But, we still left plenty of room for CIOs to contemplate the future of the CIO organization.”

The survey topics this year include some stalwarts like cybersecurity, emerging technology, cloud, legacy modernization and data management and also includes some topics with a new angle—some that might have been covered before, but with a new spin on the questions asked. The report also includes questions on workforce in many of its sections. Workforce challenges, including continuity of leadership, have and continue to have an impact on the state CIO’s ability to deliver services both now and in the future. There is also a focus on automation and, based on trending adoption, it is anticipated that there will be further utilization of automation tools and services to streamline business processes; enhance digital citizen experience; and strengthen states’ cybersecurity posture.

The complete report is available on NASCIO’s website

Meredith Ward
Deputy Executive Director
National Association of State Chief Information Officers
[email protected]