NASCIO Recognizes Exceptional Contributions in State Government

Nashville, TN, Tuesday, September 30 —The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) honored Mark Walker, Deputy Tax Commissioner/Chief Information Officer for the Ohio Department of Taxation and Dianna Anderson, Chief Data Officer for the Colorado Governor’s Office of Information Technology with the association’s State Technology Innovator award. The awards were presented today during NASCIO’s 2014 Annual Conference in Nashville, TN.

During Mark’s leadership, he has worked diligently with his Tax business leaders, IT team and IT vendor in taking advantage of technology to enhance the agency’s mission and goals while expediting the process. This has not been easy; it has required intimate involvement of business leaders, changing the project leadership culture, teaming with vendors, and adopting the non-traditional Agile Scrum Delivery process.

“Mark Walker has been an outstanding change agent and proponent for changing the way we do business in Ohio,” said NASCIO’s President and Chief Information Officer for the State of Ohio, Stu Davis. “It is a privilege to recognize him for his efforts in advancing technology and information sharing in support of the Department of Taxation, the State, and for Ohio’s businesses and citizens.”

Over the past year, Diana’s work was instrumental in the success of the State’s first civic app challenge—Go Code Colorado. The Secretary of State’s office designed Go Code Colorado to encourage developers to create solutions to identified business problems using data that was hosted on CIM. It was an example of how the data housed on the public side of CIM can be used to create business solutions.

“Dianna is passionate about her work and the people of Colorado, Suma Nallapati, Secretary of Technology and Chief Information Officer, the State of Colorado. “Her drive to increase government transparency, while helping all Coloradans gain better services, is a true gift to our great state. Her leadership continues to transform the landscape of data sharing and I know her good work will benefit the State of Colorado for many years to come.”

Nominations were gathered from NASCIO members as well as non-members. NASCIO presents the State Technology Innovator Award on an annual basis to recognize state leaders who steadily promote innovation, excellence and good government. Nominees must be an employee of, elected official, appointed official or other appointee representing state government. Learn more about this awards program at