Secretary of Technology and State Chief Information Officer Suma Nallapati, Colorado Governor’s Office of Information Technology, Profiled in NASCIO State CIOs Make a Difference Campaign

LEXINGTON, Ky., July 6, 2015 – The Governor’s Office of Information Technology (OIT) and Secretary of Technology and Chief Information Officer Suma Nallapati are focusing on daily innovations and getting back to the basics  to improve customer experience for citizens in Colorado.

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) will feature Nallapati and the Colorado OIT’s initiatives and core mission over the last two weeks of its State CIOs Make a Difference campaign. Nallapati and the OIT’s profile will specifically highlight the Colorado Benefits Management System and work done to safeguard citizen’s sensitive data through Colorado’s Risk and Audit Committee. For Colorado, getting “back to basics” ensures customer service is at the core of all innovations.

“Innovation means better solutions – from effective, efficient, elegant and sustainable solutions to the most critical challenges in areas such as transportation, education and healthcare,” said Nallapati.

To learn more about Nallapati and the work of the Colorado OIT, see the information sheet provided. Visit the campaign website and follow #StateCIOsRock for campaign highlights and updates.