State Chief Information Officer James Collins, State of Delaware, Profiled in NASCIO State CIOs Make a Difference Campaign

State Chief Information Officer (CIO) James Collins is making a difference for Delaware by leading the Department of Technology and Information (DTI) in delivering innovative technology solutions that meet the needs of citizens and businesses.
Over the next two weeks, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers will feature the work and accomplishments of Collins and DTI in the State CIOs Make a Difference Campaign. Delaware’s profile will specifically highlight the state’s Broadband initiative, the Delaware Open Data Council and the collaborative way in which DTI is partnering with state agencies. 
“Improving the lives of Delawareans through advanced technologies that innovate government services is our vision,“ said Collins, chief information officer, State of Delaware. “This is the challenging, yet exciting, part of the job, as we are tasked with looking into the future to see where things are going, where we should be headed from a networking, infrastructure, application development perspective; and start moving in that direction.” 
To learn more about Collins and the work of DTI, see the information sheet. Visit the campaign website at and follow #StateCIOsRock for campaign highlights and updates.