Yejin Cooke Joins the National Association of State Chief Information Officers as Director of Government Affairs
LEXINGTON, Ky., Thursday, July 23, 2015 — The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) has welcomed Yejin Cooke as the new director of government affairs. In this role, Cooke will be responsible for advancing NASCIO’s federal advocacy agenda, policy positions, and strengthening the association’s alliances with key strategic partners. She will also work to ensure state chief information officer perspectives are represented in shaping federal legislation and policies on key state IT issues.
“Yejin’s background, skills and experience are ideal for representing our association and advocating NASCIO’s positions,” said Doug Robinson, NASCIO executive director.
Cooke is formerly an associate legislative director at the National Association of Counties (NACo) where she managed a broad portfolio of issues related to telecommunications, broadband, FirstNet, cybersecurity, public safety, emergency management, and homeland security.
Cooke began her duties on July 15 and will be located in NASCIO’s Washington DC office at the Hall of States, 444 North Capitol Ave NW, Suite 642, Washington, DC 20001. She can be reached at [email protected].