Data: the Lifeblood of State Government

This report presents the case for investing in data management. It presents in simple terms WHY data and information must be properly managed. The report presents basic rationale for investing in the development of a formal data management program. This report is the first in a series of reports that will deal with WHY is data management important; HOW does state government get started; Legal aspects of data management.



Destination: Advancing Enterprise Portfolio Management – First Stop: Issues Management

State CIOs are managing a growing and diverse set of investments, services and collaborative arrangements. Enterprise portfolio management (EPM) is a discipline that provides the tools and best practices necessary for doing this proactively and successfully. EPM provides a view into the enterprise – not only projects, but also services, operations, programs and resources. EPM essentially turns enterprise architecture into action. EPM involves many portfolios. The first portfolio that drives the others is the portfolio of issues that identifies, scores and prioritizes the very issues we’re trying to solve through projects, programs, management initiatives and operations.


Concept for Operations for Integrated Justice Information Sharing Validation Report

Concept for Operations for Integrated Justice Information Sharing Validation Report
