The Shifting Privacy Paradigm: State Chief Privacy Officers’ Evolving Roles and Persistent Realities

This report is the result of a survey of 17 state chief privacy officers in the first quarter of 2024 and is an update to the previous surveys in 2019 and 2022. The report covers how the role is structured, responsibilities of state CPOs, challenges, resources needed, the CPO role in artificial intelligence and procurement and more. We also offer recommendations for states looking to create or build on the CPO role and share advice from current state CPOs.


What’s Trending in State and Local Government IT? Your Opportunity to Ask the Executive Directors

The audience is in the driver’s seat for this webinar as we take your questions on the latest trends impacting state and local government CIOs. What are the areas of focus of IT executives? What’s the latest on budgeting, operational and management priorities for state and local IT? What works, and what doesn’t, when it comes to building effective partnerships and strategies for collaboration and innovation? With all the buzz around AI, we will take a look at what CIOs should be considering as they meet with policy leaders and internal customers as the interest in deploying AI for government services grows.

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State Government Application Modernization is Under Stress!

NASCIO and VMware conducted a study during 2022 on the topic of state government application modernization. This study included an online survey and detailed individual interviews of state and territorial CIOs. On this webinar we explore the results of this study and highlight the challenges to application modernization and the recommendations for states and territories to move forward with their application modernization efforts.

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State CIO Top 10 Enterprise Risks for 2022

NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. These priorities are used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications. For 2022, we added a section to our survey that addresses enterprise risk management and asked our state CIOs to pick their top enterprise risks. This is the first year we have compiled such a list. As with the priority strategies and the priority technologies, this list of enterprise risks is anticipated to be a valuable reference for states and the marketplace.


The Need for Speed: Why State CIOs are Turning to Low-Code and No-Code Software Development

Due to workforce shortages, a desire to reduce technical debt and the time sensitive challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, state CIOs have seen an increase in usage of low-code/no-code software development solutions. This report lays out these findings along with an explanation of the benefits of this technology, the downsides, and five recommendations for states to successfully implement low-code or no-code software applications.


How will the power of emerging technology help reframe your future?

State CIOs are under increasing pressure to deliver a seamless, digital experience to citizens while providing key IT infrastructure support for state agencies. They will likely be asked to do more with less as state governments face ongoing budget pressure, especially in light of revenue shortfalls related to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this survey from NASCIO and EY, we explore how states are (or are not) governing their use of emerging technology, the challenges they face, and what technologies will be most likely used in their states.


Emerging Technology Governance Survey

Learn about how states are governing the use of emerging technology in this overview of a new study and survey conducted by NASCIO and EY. State CIOs share insight on governance, trends and challenges in adopting emerging technology, and provide recommendations for states to successfully incorporate emerging technologies into their governance.

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Achieving the Promise of Artificial Intelligence

This year, NASCIO and the Center for Digital Government, with support from IBM, set out to understand state CIOs’ motivations, plans and deterrents around AI adoption. The survey, Delivering on Digital Government: Achieving the Promise of Artificial Intelligence, yielded responses from 45 states. The results reflect state leaders’ eagerness to gain efficiencies and free up their workforces for higher-value work, tempered by caution due to concerns around lack of data maturity and privacy policies, as well as a dearth of employees with the necessary skills for AI adoption.


Relationships Matter Most

As more states have adopted an enterprise approach to managing IT and as the role of the CIO has evolved from solely being a provider of services, to a broker of shared services, CIOs have been focusing more on agency customer relationship management. In this publication we discuss current strategies to improve customer/agency relationships and we provide some key steps toward customer relationship success.


The State CIO Operating Model: A Playbook for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way

This is the fourth in our NASCIO series “The CIO Operating System:  Managing Change in a Sustainable Way.”  It is also the culmination of the work from NASCIO’s project team and a partnership with Integris Applied, Inc., a corporate member of NASCIO, that began in January of 2018.  This is a playbook of eleven plays that any state or territory can utilize in order to move into a new operating model.  This operating model creates a highly disciplined state CIO organization that proactively engages with state agencies, understands current and emerging program and citizen needs, as well as maintains market awareness of current and emerging trends and offerings.  Moving into and maturing this model is essential for each state and territory to effectively map capability demand with capability supply.

This report looks to the past in that it is the highlight and culmination of the first year of this special project, synthesizing all the previous work which includes three reports, a recorded webinar, a survey of state CIOs.    It looks to the future in that the plays will be further developed with necessary guidance on how to effectively execute these eleven plays.  The next big push in this project will be the development of the “DevOps” for the new multisourcing operating model.  This playbook then becomes the launching point for the future.  In many ways this report and the project that produced it is an inflexion point coincident with NASCIO’s 50th anniversary.  Much has been accomplished within the NASCIO community in the past 50 years.  And we celebrate all of that.  Then we look to the future and consider “what is possible?”  This playbook is the first step into that future.  So fasten your seat belts, and get ready for the next major phase.  Its going to be a wonderful ride!