The State CIO Operating Model: A Playbook for Managing Change in a Sustainable Way

This is the fourth in our NASCIO series “The CIO Operating System:  Managing Change in a Sustainable Way.”  It is also the culmination of the work from NASCIO’s project team and a partnership with Integris Applied, Inc., a corporate member of NASCIO, that began in January of 2018.  This is a playbook of eleven plays that any state or territory can utilize in order to move into a new operating model.  This operating model creates a highly disciplined state CIO organization that proactively engages with state agencies, understands current and emerging program and citizen needs, as well as maintains market awareness of current and emerging trends and offerings.  Moving into and maturing this model is essential for each state and territory to effectively map capability demand with capability supply.

This report looks to the past in that it is the highlight and culmination of the first year of this special project, synthesizing all the previous work which includes three reports, a recorded webinar, a survey of state CIOs.    It looks to the future in that the plays will be further developed with necessary guidance on how to effectively execute these eleven plays.  The next big push in this project will be the development of the “DevOps” for the new multisourcing operating model.  This playbook then becomes the launching point for the future.  In many ways this report and the project that produced it is an inflexion point coincident with NASCIO’s 50th anniversary.  Much has been accomplished within the NASCIO community in the past 50 years.  And we celebrate all of that.  Then we look to the future and consider “what is possible?”  This playbook is the first step into that future.  So fasten your seat belts, and get ready for the next major phase.  Its going to be a wonderful ride!

Perspectives on Privacy: A Survey and Snapshot of the Growing State Chief Privacy Officer Role

Compared to a private company or even any other level of government, the need to focus on privacy at the state level is significant. The amount of personal information citizens provide to their state outweighs anything a citizen provides to any one company. Because of this, we have seen number of states who have hired a chief privacy officer increase rapidly over the last several years. This NASCIO research provides a snapshot of the state chief privacy officer position, the background of CPOs, what they do in their roles, how the role is administratively structured and their advice for states interested in creating the position.



State CIO as Broker: A New Model

Multisourcing is emerging as the discipline for managing a complex and diversified portfolio of services and service providers.  These services are being employed to meet the continual evolving demand for creatively delivering government services through new channels with new functionality.   In this evolving circumstance there is the need for a new operating model the state chief information officer can employ to bring together agencies needs and demands with available emerging technologies and management disciplines.  This report opens the door to this discussion and explores the underlying forces of change that are driving the need for a new operating model.




Game Changer: How Blockchain Can Help Improve Service Delivery

Bhanu Narayana, Infosys Public Services presents How Blockchain Can Help Improve Service Delivery from the Game Changers session at the NASCIO 2017 Annual Conference in Austin, TX.

In 5 minutes, speakers highlighted a future disrupter for state government.

Watch the Video


Game Changer: Rise of the Humans

Cliff Justice, KPMG presents Rise of the Humans from the Game Changers session at the NASCIO 2017 Annual Conference in Austin, TX.

In 5 minutes, speakers highlighted a future disrupter for state government.


Watch the Video


Game Changer: Using Augmented and Virtual Reality to Address Workforce Challenges

Ken Glass, Dell EMC presents Using Augmented and Virtual Reality to Address Workforce Challenges from the Game Changers session at the NASCIO 2017 Annual Conference in Austin, TX.

In 5 minutes, speakers highlighted a future disrupter for state government.

Watch the Video


Agile IT Delivery: Imperatives for Government Success

What’s the secret to agile success in government? Accenture and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) surveyed and interviewed a number of state government leaders to find out. We asked them to describe their experiences with agile and then tell us where and to what extent they succeeded. Seven key factors emerged—all centered on people and their willingness to embrace this methodology and collaborate at every step. And it requires a clear plan of action.


Unleash the New: State Governments Get Agile Initial Findings

Amid so much talk about Agile implementation methodologies, how many state governments are walking the walk? What are their main drivers and benefits of adopting Agile? And, what are some of the biggest barriers to making it work? Join this webinar to get answers to those questions and more—all based on the findings of a recent study by NASCIO and Accenture.

Click here for the full slide deck from the webinar.

Watch the Recording 

Blockchains: Moving Digital Government Forward in the States

This brief will open the discussion about blockchains and the potential impact on state government.  We won’t delve into the mechanics of blockchains, nor the potential for proliferation of new “e-currencies.”  We want to open the door to the world of blockchains through a variety of conversations with leaders in state government and industry in order to begin discussions regarding where blockchain technology can serve the mission of state government.





Unleash the New: State Governments Get Agile

Agile is changing the game for state governments. To explore the implications and opportunities, Accenture and the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) are partnering on multifaceted research. Drawing from the public and private sectors, the research reveals a comprehensive perspective on the role of Agile within state government.

Findings of the first phase of research shed light on why state governments are using agile. Where and how they’re applying it within their enterprises – and the barriers to agile that they’re working to overcome. These initial findings were released and discussed at the 2017 NASCIO Midyear Conference.

Click here to download the slides (PDF)

In the next phase, Accenture and NASCIO will conduct a series of interviews aimed at identifying best practices and lessons learned around agile implementation.

Stay in touch: Full research results will be available at NASCIO’s Annual Conference, October 1-4, 2017 in Austin, Texas.