Negotiating IP on the Way to the Win-Win: NASCIO’s Intellectual Property Recommendations

These recommendations seek to identify state and contractor interests regarding the ownership of IP and suggest realistic considerations to help make the negotiation of IP rights easier and more successful for all involved.



Welcome to the Jungle: The State Privacy Implications of Spam, Phishing and Spyware

This brief explores the privacy implications for state government created by the threats of spam, phishing and spyware and potential ways of preventing and mitigating this triple threat to state IT systems.



The Real Phantom Menace: Spyware and its State Implications

This brief addresses the security, privacy, citizen trust and business process-related implications of spyware and other forms of malware for state government IT systems and suggests some potential technical, legal and awareness-raising solutions for the menace of malware.



Who Are You? I Really Wanna Know: E-Authentication and its Privacy Implications

This brief explores the business drivers behind e-authentication and the privacy implications that states and others should consider in pursuing e-authentication efforts.



Walking the Road to the Win-Win: NASCIO Procurement Subcommittee’s Recommendations on Liability Limitations for State IT Contracting

These recommendations are intended to elucidate the various state and vendor interests that are involved in negotiating liability limitations and to help states and vendors negotiate better IT contract liability limitations that are “win-win” for both sides.



Think Before You Dig: The Privacy Implications of Data Mining & Aggregation

This brief examines the business benefits and privacy issues related to government’s use of data-mining technologies. It also takes a look at high-profile government data-mining programs and suggests ways to infuse privacy protections and transparency into government’s use of data-mining technologies.



Bowling for Broadband: The Role of the State CIO in Promoting High-Speed Internet Access

Bowling for Broadband: The Role of the State CIO in Promoting High-Speed Internet Access.



HAVA (the Help America Vote Act 2002)—A Briefing Paper

This briefing paper provides an overview of the Help America Vote Act of 2002 (HAVA) and explores its IT-related challenges as well as NASCIO’s role in helping states to implement the Act. 



Wireless in the Workplace: A Guide for Government Enterprises

The use of wireless technology in our personal lives has become almost commonplace with the proliferation of cell phones, personal digital assistants and wireless PC modems. Our demand for anytime, anywhere communications and access to information is quickly spreading to the workplace. Wireless local area networks (WLANs) and Wi-Fi “hot spots” are sprouting up everywhere, yet many individuals and organizations fail to fully understand the security risks of this inherently open technology and expose their systems unnecessarily. 

This publication is intended to help government enterprises make informed decisions about wireless technology and guide IT professionals through the opportunities and challenges of working in the wireless world. It highlights key issues such as:

  • wireless applications & uses
  • wireless technology options
  • wireless standards
  • wireless security
  • wireless network management & performance
  • wireless installation & maintenance

