Discipline Succeeds: Findings from the NASCIO State IT PM Assessment

The National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) surveyed state IT project managers concerning their approaches to IT project management in August-September of 2005. The trends discovered in responses from 34 state project management offices reveal a baseline regarding perceived success of project management as an overarching discipline in state government.



The States and Enterprise Architecture: How Far Have We Come?

NASCIO conducted a survey or “census” of the U.S. states to assess the level of enterprise architecture (EA) adoption and the experience with the NASCIO EA portfolio of products. NASCIO and the U.S. Department of Justice are interested to know the progress made in building awareness and EA capabilities at the state level. This survey effort and report supports the NASCIO program management function, which is responsible for measuring ongoing progress and effectiveness of NASCIO programs and initiatives.



IT Procurement and Enterprise Architecture: Recognizing the Mutual Benefits

This brief highlights the benefits of a closer alignment between IT Procurement and Enterprise Architecture (EA), which includes improving and streamlining IT investment decisions in a way that supports the state’s overall strategic goals and intent. It also identifies “touchpoints” at which these two disciplines can establish stronger ties and concludes with recommendations on how states can start down the path to greater EA-IT Procurement alignment.



NASCIO Enterprise Architecture Business Case Summary

NASCIO has collected success stories from a variety of sources including its various awards programs. NASCIO members have found that success stories provide an invaluable dimension of the underlying analysis when presenting the business case for EA related projects. These are now being made available to the greater NASCIO community to provide anecdotal information for developing a strong business case for EA. Much can be learned from these experiences and the reader is encouraged to contact the original source for any additional information or comment regarding those success stories that are most relevant.



The Year of Working Dangerously: The Privacy Implications of Wireless in the State Workplace—Part II

Part II of this brief provides privacy policy and security measures to help states address the potential privacy implications of wireless technologies identified in Part I.



IT Management Frameworks: A Foundation for Success

NASCIO’s IT Governance & Service Reform Committee is proud to present IT Management Frameworks: A Foundation for Success. This research brief provides an overview of four successful IT Management frameworks that can improve investment decisions, accountability, and management of IT organizations. These successful frameworks represent a variety of management approaches that emphasize the different disciplines of investment management, service oriented management, and line of business or process management. They include the North Carolina Framework for Managing IT Investments; the Government Accountability Office IT Investment Management Framework; the IT Infrastructure Library; and, the Federal Business Reference Model.



Enterprise Repositories Issue Brief

NASCIO has identified the need for a repository for sharing a variety of enterprise artifacts, presentations, and white papers across the NASCIO community. CORE.gov is the preferred repository for meeting the needs of state and territorial government. This research brief describes the issues, constraints, options and recommendations.

The Year of Working Dangerously: The Privacy Implications of Wireless in the State Workplace—Part I

Part I identifies the privacy implications of wireless technologies in the state workplace, including the privacy implications of mobile technologies such as laptop computers, PDAs and other similar devices.



Connecting the Silos: Using Governance Models to Achieve Data Integration

NASCIO’s Interoperability & Integration Committee is proud to present Connecting the Silos: Using Governance Models to Achieve Data Integration. This research brief attempts to answer questions such as, “What needs to be addressed when contemplating an information integration initiative, and what is being done in the states and at the federal level to develop information integration governance models?” It also includes other factors that are impacting governance in integration and offers references to models that have been successfully completed by other states and links to resources on information sharing. The committee is currently exploring the following topics for future briefs: Interoperability Governance; Legal Ownership of Shared Data; Data Standards; Master name Indices; and Integration Maturity Models.



TLK2UL8R: The Privacy Implications of Instant and Text Messaging Technologies in State Government

This brief explores the privacy implications of Instant Messaging (IM) applications—both consumer and enterprise-grade—in the context of the state workplace. It also addresses the privacy implications of text messaging and chat technologies.

