Getting What You Need on the Way to the Win-Win! Leveraging the RFP in State Technology Procurements

This publication was co-produced by NASCIO and NASPO (National Association of State Procurement Officials). This brief provides a broad view of how a variety of stakeholders can use the RFP (Request for Proposal) process to the state’s and the citizens’ benefit.



TLK2UL8R: The Privacy Implications of Instant and Text Messaging Technologies in State Government

This brief explores the privacy implications of Instant Messaging (IM) applications—both consumer and enterprise-grade—in the context of the state workplace. It also addresses the privacy implications of text messaging and chat technologies.



Negotiating IP on the Way to the Win-Win: NASCIO’s Intellectual Property Recommendations

These recommendations seek to identify state and contractor interests regarding the ownership of IP and suggest realistic considerations to help make the negotiation of IP rights easier and more successful for all involved.



PERSPECTIVES – Government Information Sharing: Calls to Action

NASCIO is pleased to announce the release of a new publication on the subject of information sharing. NASCIO has pulled together interviews and articles from a variety of contributors from integrated justice, homeland security, environmental protection, transportation, public health and economic development. Perspectives includes discussions from federal, state and county government. Not so surprisingly, according to the contributors to this first issue of Perspectives, technology is not the major barrier. This report presents barriers to information sharing and the “Calls to Action” to overcome these barriers.



Welcome to the Jungle: The State Privacy Implications of Spam, Phishing and Spyware

This brief explores the privacy implications for state government created by the threats of spam, phishing and spyware and potential ways of preventing and mitigating this triple threat to state IT systems.



The Real Phantom Menace: Spyware and its State Implications

This brief addresses the security, privacy, citizen trust and business process-related implications of spyware and other forms of malware for state government IT systems and suggests some potential technical, legal and awareness-raising solutions for the menace of malware.



Who Are You? I Really Wanna Know: E-Authentication and its Privacy Implications

This brief explores the business drivers behind e-authentication and the privacy implications that states and others should consider in pursuing e-authentication efforts.



Bowling for Broadband: The Role of the State CIO in Promoting High-Speed Internet Access

Bowling for Broadband: The Role of the State CIO in Promoting High-Speed Internet Access.



Think Before You Dig: The Privacy Implications of Data Mining & Aggregation

This brief examines the business benefits and privacy issues related to government’s use of data-mining technologies. It also takes a look at high-profile government data-mining programs and suggests ways to infuse privacy protections and transparency into government’s use of data-mining technologies.

