NASCIO and PTI Technology Forecast

2025 Tech Forecast for State and Local IT: All Aboard the AI Train and More Tech Adventures

Back by popular demand, NASCIO and PTI present our annual preview of the issues and priorities that will impact state and local government IT in the coming year. We will explore the trends, pain points, as well as opportunities that promise to make 2025 an intriguing year for the government IT community. The forecast webinar will highlight key findings from NASCIO and PTI research, based on surveys, interviews with technology executives, and what we are hearing from our private sector partners. Topics to be addressed include the latest on AI, technology and cybersecurity governance and trends, the role of tech in innovation, and more! The intent of this webinar is to provide participants with a picture of state and local government IT in 2025 – and beyond.


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State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2025

NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.


Bridging Digital Divides: Expanding Cybersecurity in Underserved Communities

As the world continues to become “digital by default,” cybersecurity has become a major concern for individuals, organizations and governments. With heavy reliance on digital platforms for government services, financial transactions, communication and personal data storage, the risks associated with cyber threats have grown exponentially. However, certain communities face disproportionate challenges in securing their digital environments. This brief lays out barriers for these communities and includes recommendations for how states can further expand the whole-of-state model by taking an inclusive approach to cybersecurity.


Generating Opportunity: The Risks and Rewards of Generative AI in State Government

At NASCIO’s 2023 Midyear Conference, state chief information officers (CIOs) found that most conversations were leading back to generative AI (GenAI). Free public tools, which had been available for only a few months, were already changing the way people work, and state CIOs could see that the potential benefits and the potential risks may be significant. Shortly after that, NASCIO started the Generative AI Working Group. One of the most common questions that CIOs want to know is “What are other states doing with generative AI and what is the role of the state CIO?”

This publication seeks to answer that question as part of the 2024 president’s initiative report spearheaded by NASCIO’s then-president Jim Weaver who also serves as secretary and state CIO in North Carolina.  Information from this report comes from the generative AI section of the 2024 State CIO Survey as well as interviews with 11 state CIOs.


NASCIO Enterprise Architecture Toolkit Version 3.0 (2004)

The NASCIO Enterprise Architecture Toolkit provides a foundational description of purpose and major components that comprise an effective state government enterprise architecture program. Enterprise architecture is an ongoing, iterative effort that is dynamic and adaptive. Similar to other business disciplines such as finance, marketing, human resources, accounting, enterprise architecture is a continual activity lasting throughout the life of an enterprise.

The toolkit presents basic components of enterprise architecture necessary for delivering the mission of state government. The toolkit is foundational and is built upon and supplemented through additional NASCIO resources addressing allied disciplines such as enterprise portfolio management, governance, data management and business relationship management. These additional resources include publications, webcasts, conference sessions and forum discussions.

The toolkit describes enterprise architecture and the essential architectural domains and does not prescribe any particular framework, methodology, or tools.

With the new emphasis on business architecture, NASCIO is rereleasing the toolkit, originally published in 2004.

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Recap of Data Quality – Vital to Optimizing GenAI: A survey of State Chief Information Officers and Chief Data Officers

NASCIO and EY recently released Data Quality – Vital to Optimizing GenAI: A survey of State Chief Information Officers and Chief Data Officers. The study includes an online survey and detailed individual interviews of state and territorial chief information officers and chief data officers on data quality. This webcast featuring panelists Chris Estes of EY, Christie Burris, CDO, North Carolina, and Bill Smith, CIO, Alaska recaps the insights and recommendations outlined in the report.

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Related Resource 

Data Quality – Vital to Optimizing GenAI: A survey of State Chief Information Officers and Chief Data Officers

AI-Powered Procurement: Harnessing AI’s Potential for More Efficient State Procurement Practices

Public procurement is a critical function in state governments, responsible for acquiring the goods, services and technologies needed to support public service delivery. However, the procurement process can be slow and inefficient, particularly when it comes to acquiring advanced technologies. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a promising solution to these challenges by automating routine tasks, reducing manual workloads and enabling public sector employees to focus on more strategic and value-added activities. AI’s ability to streamline operations, enhance decision-making and improve service delivery makes it a critical tool for addressing the workforce gaps in state governments. This brief is a joint project between the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) and the National Association of State Procurement Officials (NASPO).


The 2024 State CIO Survey: Building Blocks of the Next Generation CIO

The 2024 NASCIO State CIO Survey includes responses from 49 state chief information officers to questions on nine topics. This year’s survey includes a dive into how states are using generative artificial intelligence, accelerating digital government services and evolving identity and access management. The report also includes information on service delivery and it seems that consolidation and centralization aren’t going anywhere soon with CIOs reporting that they are delivering services to agencies by consolidation of infrastructure, consolidation of services and centralization of information technology project management. Finally, as it seems technology is a part of every state initiative these days, the survey digs into the technology acquisition process and how states define a technology procurement.


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2024 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study

As information has become ever more central to how government functions, the role of the state chief information security officer (CISO) has continued to grow in importance. This year’s survey, which includes responses from CISOs in all 50 states and the District of Columbia, reflects a more sophisticated—and dangerous—cyber threat environment. Moreover, the emergence of AI and Generative AI as critical technologies present opportunities as well as new risks for states seeking to keep data secure.


Data Quality – Vital to Optimizing GenAI: A survey of State Chief Information Officers and Chief Data Officers

NASCIO and EY conducted a study during 2024 on the topic of data quality.  This study included an online survey and detailed individual interviews of state and territorial chief information officers and chief data officers.  CIOs and CDOs have long recognized the importance of data quality. With the advent of GenAI data quality becomes even more critical to state government. This publication includes recommendations for state CIOs and CDOs around managing data quality, including providing data literacy training to the government workforce and implementing formal data governance policies.


Related Resource 

Recap of the Data Quality – Vital to Optimizing GenAI: A survey of State Chief Information Officers and Chief Data Officers Report