State Governments at Risk: 2022 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study

Cybersecurity is consistently ranked as the primary concern for state governments. This session will highlight key findings of the 2022 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study.

Session at the NASCIO 2022 Annual Conference

Presenters: Meredith Ward, Director of Policy and Research, NASCIO | Laura Clark, CIO, Michigan | Jeff Brown, CISO, Connecticut | Srini Subramanian, Principal, Deloitte

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Related Resource: 2022 Deloitte-NASCIO Cybersecurity Study

Insights from the World of Public Sector Leadership: 2022 State CIO Survey

Explore the priorities, perspectives, issues and trends reported by state CIOs. The 2022 State CIO Survey, conducted by NASCIO and Grant Thornton, provides insights into the role of state CIO, including key relationships, business trends and critical policy areas.

Session at the NASCIO 2022 Annual Conference

Presenters: Doug Robinson, Executive Director, NASCIO | Amanda Crawford, Executive Director and CIO, Texas | Tarek Tomes, Commissioner and CIO, Minnesota

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Related Resource: The 2022 State CIO Survey

Keynote by Jack Shaw | Dynamic Digital Transformation for State Governments

Jack has decades of experience helping leaders leverage new technologies to transform their organizations. He integrates his executive experience in industry, technology, and consulting to speak on Innovation, Technology, and the Future. His experience designing, developing, and implementing emerging technologies enables him to explain leading-edge concepts and technologies such as AI, Blockchain, 5G, the Internet of Things, and the Metaverse in easily understood terms. ​

Session from the NASCIO 2022 Annual Conference

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Application Modernization is an Imperative for State Governments

NASCIO and VMware conducted a study during 2022 on the topic of state government application modernization.  This study included an online survey and detailed individual interviews of state and territorial CIOs.  The report presents findings from this research, key recommendations and a playbook for moving forward with application modernization.


Related Webcast

State Government Application Modernization is Under Stress!

NASCIO and VMware conducted a study during 2022 on the topic of state government application modernization. This study included an online survey and detailed individual interviews of state and territorial CIOs. On this webinar we explore the results of this study and highlight the challenges to application modernization and the recommendations for states and territories to move forward with their application modernization efforts.

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Privacy Progressing: How the State Chief Privacy Officer Role is Growing and Evolving

This report is the result of a survey of 20 state chief privacy officers in the spring of 2022 and is an update to the previous survey in 2019. The report covers how the role is structured, the background of state CPOs, challenges, resources needed and more. We also offer recommendations for states looking to create or build on the CPO role.


Diversity and Inclusion: An Essential Element to the State IT Workforce

This publication includes data from a survey of state CIOs on diversity and inclusion in hiring, retention and culture in CIO offices. It also provides interviews with NASCIO corporate members. These conversations were an important component of the project as the private sector generally has well established diversity and inclusion programs that can provide blueprints for states.


State CIO Top 10 Enterprise Risks for 2022

NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. These priorities are used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications. For 2022, we added a section to our survey that addresses enterprise risk management and asked our state CIOs to pick their top enterprise risks. This is the first year we have compiled such a list. As with the priority strategies and the priority technologies, this list of enterprise risks is anticipated to be a valuable reference for states and the marketplace.


2022 Technology Forecast: Opportunities for Growth

This popular, annual webinar, presented by CompTIA Public Technology Institute and NASCIO, provides an overview of the pressing technology issues that will be impacting state and local governments for the coming year.

Doug Robinson, Executive Director, NASCIO, and Alan Shark, Executive Director, CompTIA Public Technology Institute share their views of the technology landscape based on recent research activities and conversations with state and local government technology leaders.

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State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2022

NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The CIOs top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.
