State of Georgia’s Investment Strategy and Portfolio Management

Information Technology Investment Management (IT/IM) – What does it mean for state government?

Both industry and governments are challenged to find better, more effective and reliable ways to deliver services to consumers and citizens. Organizations must adapt to the challenges of technology complexity, regulations and change while delivering more for less. IT/IM integrates several methodologies to ensure the limited dollars invested in technology provide the best outcome possible. The state of Georgia will share their approach as well as provide a practical guide to IT/IM for others.

Tom Fruman
Director, Enterprise Governance and Planning
Georgia Technology Authority
State of Georgia

Tom Fruman is Director of Enterprise Governance and Planning (EGAP) for the Georgia Technology Authority. EGAP promotes an enterprise approach to technology by establishing statewide policies, standards and guidelines based on industry best practices and federal requirements. It works closely with the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget and state agencies to ensure an individual agency’s IT strategy aligns with its overall business strategy and business continuity planning.

Prior to his current position, Fruman was the Director of Enterprise Portfolio Management, an office in EGAP that oversees technology investments for Georgia state government. In his almost 30-year career in technology management, he has worked in multiple capacities, including as a project executive, business development executive, consultant, researcher, worldwide deployment leader, project manager and programmer.

Eric Sweden, MBA, MSIH
Program Director, Enterprise Architecture & Governance

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On a daily basis, a number of situations may arise where a state chief information officer (CIO) and legal counsel need to work together. Procurement and contract negotiations, privacy, cybersecurity, personnel actions and litigation including e-discovery are just some of the issues for which having a good working relationship is mutually beneficial. The NASCIO Legal Advisory Committee, with contributions from some veteran state CIOs and legal counsel, came up with the list below. This practical guide is intended for newbie and seasoned legal counsel and CIOs.


State CIO Top Ten Policy and Technology Priorities for 2014

Each year NASCIO conducts a survey of the state CIOs to identify and prioritize the top policy and technology issues facing state government. The top ten priorities are identified and used as input to NASCIO’s programs, planning for conference sessions, and publications.


State CIO Leadership in Government Innovation and Transformation

One of NASCIO’s guiding principles is to “promote the CIO as the technology leader who drives innovation and transformation.” To advance this belief, this leadership white paper explores the various structures and relationships of the State Chief Information Officer’s (CIO) role and how these differences impact the CIO’s participation in government transformation and innovation. The NASCIO CIO Leadership Working Group explored these differences and caution that a “one size fits all” approach is not the objective given that there are clear reasons for these variations. We looked at how the role of the CIO might evolve given ‘forces’ that could impact this evolution, such as technology disrupters and innovation. We discussed these ‘forces’ and critical success factors with private sector CIOs to learn how they have evolved their position, authority, and responsibility to support corporate transformation. We prepared this paper as a guide for CIOs, Governors, and other state officials to learn more about the various models that exist and how those models could evolve to support the direction of the enterprise.


Procurement: Avoiding Risky Business

The NASCIO Procurement Modernization Committee, in partnership with TechAmerica and the National Association of State Procurement Officials, continues to focus on state IT procurement reforms and highlight best practices at the state level. This brief is the third in a series of recommendations set forth by this collaborative. The purpose of the brief is to highlight some of the strategies used to first identify, then to avoid, transfer, mitigate, and ultimately accept the risks associated with the procurement of IT products or services. Although not all risks can be identified, the goal should be to understand how much risk is associated with a specific IT procurement and what tools, processes, benchmarks, and methodologies are available to uniquely address IT procurement risks.


NASCIO Cybersecurity Awareness Resource Guide

For the 2013 observance of National Cyber Security Awareness Month, NASCIO has updated its Resource Guide for State Cybersecurity Awareness, Education, and Training Initiatives. The guide includes new information from our state members, who provided examples of state awareness programs and initiatives. This is an additional resource of best-practice information, together with an interactive state map to allow users to drilldown to the actual resources that states have developed or are using to promote cyber awareness. It includes contact information for the CISO, hyperlinks to state security and security awareness pages, and information describing cybersecurity awareness, training, and education initiatives.

The Resource Guide is a work-in-progress that should provide a valuable reference resource for Cyber Security Awareness Month, as well as the ongoing planning of security awareness and training efforts state programs may undertake thereafter.


Commonwealth of Virginia’s EIA Strategy and NIEM Integration Plan

Commonwealth of Virginia’s EIA Strategy and NIEM Integration Plan

The Commonwealth of Virginia has completed an eight-month strategic planning process to develop an Enterprise Information Architecture (EIA) strategy.  A central element of the EIA strategy involves building exchanges for “citizen-centric” data that conform with the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM).

Virginia’s NIEM integration plan will enable the state government to comply with new statutory requirements for standardizing Person data and promote enhanced capabilities for business-driven information exchanges.

This webinar will provide insight on Virginia’s emerging EIA strategy and NIEM integration planning.  The primary focus will be on Virginia’s EIA strategic plan and successful implementation of the NIEM Engagement Process.

Eric Sweden, MBA, MSIH
Program Director, Enterprise Architecture & Governance

Dr. Joseph W. Grubbs
Commonwealth Data Governance Service Lead &
Health Information Technology Standards
Advisory Committee (HITSAC) Administrator
Enterprise Solutions and Governance Directorate
Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA)

Joseph W. Grubbs, Ph.D., serves as the Commonwealth of Virginia’s Enterprise Information Architect and Service Lead for the Data Governance Group in the Virginia Information Technologies Agency (VITA).  In that capacity, he acts under the direction of the Secretary of Technology, CIO of the Commonwealth and the Enterprise Solutions and Governance Directorate to manage the state government’s Enterprise Information Architecture Program.  Dr. Grubbs also administers Virginia’s Health Information Technology Standards Advisory Committee (HITSAC). He has a Ph.D. in Urban Affairs and Public Policy from the University of Delaware and a Master’s of Public Administration from the University of Central Florida.

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Effective Cross-Jurisdictional Collaboration – Governance is Critical!

Cross-jurisdictional collaboratives are on the rise. As the number of such collaboratives increases, there are essential ingredients for framing and sustaining successful and even exceptional collaborative arrangements that deliver real outcomes. As NASCIO reviewed successful collaboratives, proper governance continually surfaced as one of those essential ingredients for effective sharing of government information and services and effective employment of technology across two or more enterprises. This issue brief presents examples of effective governance and describes what constitutes effective governance.


The Health IT Landscape: Through the Lens of the State CIO

The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) and National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) formed a collaboration to determine how the State Chief Information Officer (CIO) views the current health information technology landscape. Specific areas of focus for this study included Medicaid Management Information Systems (MMIS), Medicaid Eligibility Systems, Data Governance and Identity Management, State Level Health Information Exchanges, Shared Services and Collaborations. This study combined HIMSS’ expertise in health information technology and information exchange with NASCIO’s expertise representing state CIOs and information technology executives from the states, territories and the District of Columbia. The results of this collaborative survey will serve those seeking to understand the current environment of State healthcare technology initiatives ranging from governance models to data exchange activities. This analysis will also facilitate understanding of the intersection of the state CIO’s role with state health information technology (HIT) projects. This collaboration represents one of the first holistic analyses focused on the state CIO perspective of State HIT projects.
